Wednesday, December 24, 2008

one last christmas project

before i sign off until after the new year. i hope you all enjoy your holidays - eat, drink, and be merry! you could make these today very quickly with the kids - keep them busy so their crazy anticipation doesn't drive you up a wall!


need some last minute tags. just go to the link and print these out - adorable!

recycled christmas tree

great project for those oh so excited about christmas kids you may have in your house today!

last minute gift bag

here's one made out of recycled newspaper.

a peaceful partridge

adorable! emily posted this on her blog and i just love it! of course it might be too late to incorporate into this years christmas decorations, but maybe you can find another use for it!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

icicle treat boxes

::photo; source

my friend, aly, made these uber cute icicle treat boxes using a template found here. love that you can give a gift in them and then they can be hung on the tree. or maybe start a new santa tradition - hang them on the tree and let santa fill them when he comes!

there are loads of other templates at mirkwood designs too. check it out!

ooh this calendar

ok how cute is this? of course i'm looking beyond the actual calendar - these would make such cute borders for cards or scrapbook pages. heck you could use the month strip and do a little mini album with favorite photos from each month of 2009. i think i'm going to print two!

more gift tags

wouldn't want you to run out!

tree place card

an easy placecard to spruce up your holiday table!

Monday, December 22, 2008

so much time...

“so much time, and so little to do! strike that, reverse it.” one of my fav quotes!

:) here's another little project - would look great as part of your christmas centerpiece perhaps?

free printable santa labels

very cute and a quick solution if you run out of tags!

my ki memories blog challenge


need a last minute holiday gift? then head over to the ki memories blog and download the calendar template i made. then just adhere some papers and pop them in a cd case. instant calendar!

Friday, December 19, 2008

another free calendar

love the font work on this one!

origami wreath ornament

i love it! so easy and the sheet music is so fun.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

free printable calendar

isn't it gorgeous. i might actually use the tops on a scrapbook page or a card. anyhow, you have to sign up for their mailing list and then they'll send you the file. fun free stuff - gotta love it!

modern wreath

this is what you used to make it! :)

mini calendar

i saw this on two peas and immediately went and downloaded the calendar. her solution for putting ribbon on one of the binding coils but the pages can still flip is brilliant. makes me want to run out and buy a bind it all!

tags from the great cz

cathy zielske (cz) has this cute set of gift tags on her blog for you to download and print.

ca-ute garland

made from paper cupcake liners. so soft and girly don't you think?

gift wrapping ideas

design sponge offers up a whole slew of gift wrapping ideas - many of them would involve digging into your craft stash. all of them are clever and simply gorgeous!
believe it or not we are decorating our tree tonight. it's our annual celebration honoring my mother's birthday on her birthday - we'll have cake and small presents for the kids. strange to put the tree up so late - but fun to decorate with my sister and her kids!

business card holder from playing cards

wouldn't this be cool with vintage cards like these?

cardboard hipster frames

an eco-friendly holiday gift option. you could easily turn these into magnets by added some to the back. one optin they don't show is peeling back the facing on the cardboard which would give you a very textured look.

personalized wrapping idea

how clever and a perfect use for your new slice or the cricut or the silhouette - don't you think?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

baked goods tags

free printable sweet little tags for your baked goods!

paper gift box

so i have loads of different finds to share with you. i'm not going to add a lot of commentary! :)

christmas tree garland

simple, beautiful and you can use your slice (or other electronic cutter!)

moravian paper stars

a great tutorial on folding moravian paper stars - i think they'd look gorgeous with vintage sheet music don't you?

Monday, December 15, 2008

free printable doily napkin bands

these may just pretty up my table for christmas dinner!

economical paper ornaments

jessica jones of how about orange has done it again. these colorful and graphic ornaments use photocopy paper! who said nothing can be fast, cheap, and good?

paper ornaments

the fabulous wendy smedley has an assortment of links to fun paper ornaments you can make for you tree. check it out!

hello kitty box

free printable box - a cute way to wrap a hannukah gift for a little girl!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

we have winners!!!

i had sam pick the names out of a hat...

and he drew....

and also....
congratulations jenny (a friend of mine in south dakota) and mary patterson-ezzell (from texas)!
jenny i have your address i believe - mary please email me at celestefsmith at gmail dot com.
thanks for playing everyone - it's glad to know there are actual people out there checking in and reading my blog. :)

Friday, December 12, 2008

eco-friendly gift topper

yes it's a plastic target bag and it's lovely!

update on the giveaway

hey the giveaway is still open - there is still time to put your name in. :) i'll close it at midnight EST tonight and pull names tomorrow. i'm off to a crop in a few and won't be able to pull the names tonight. stay tuned!

monogrammed gift tags

oh martha how i regrettably love you. sigh. here they use recycled xmas cards - patterned paper would work too. so fun!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

gift boxes

these are amazing! i have some jewelry to give that came from etsy without jewelry boxes. this will be a great way to package them up creatively!


i'm giving away two copies of the simple scrapbooks special issue quick and easy photo albums. be sure to scroll down to sunday's post and put your name in for them!

origami stars

well the grand experiment with importing video didn't work. please visit craftstylish to view the video! :) enjoy!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

advent calendar

this one is a little late, but i love the idea of using leftover halloween candy to make an advent calendar. my kids would love this!

cool advent garland

well i know we are past the time when an advent calendar is really something you might be making, but this one comes with a pdf of numbers for each day of the month. might be good for ali's december daily album! :) even though i haven't been taking the photos and journaling each day. i still think i might do this. even if the journaling doesn't really correspond. i definitely will start saving things for next year at any rate!

faux bois gift wrap

::via craftzine
what an easy and cute way to wrap a gift! that's just contact paper - genius!