Friday, February 27, 2009


this is so fun and of course wouldn't it be awesome with some digital paper?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

picture holder

turn an ordinary hardcover book into a card or photo holder. ingenious!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

freehand scraps march

ok this was a fun kit. that new american crafts is just delicious. bright colors and graphic designs make me very very happy! reveal will be on saturday evening. be sure to check it out!

daily menu

most people think i'm super organized - the reality is i'm super lazy and have a horrible short term memory. just ask my husband. if it isn't written down it doesn't get done and i'd rather sit and read a book than grocery shop.

one way i've simplified my life is writing out a weekly dinner menu - usually on thursday. then i go to the grocery store just once a week and buy groceries. it also makes dinner time easier because i know what we are having so there is no thought involved. see lazy!

anyhow, here's a free printable weekly menu planner - i'm printing out a few and hanging them on the fridge. i figure i can add meal ideas throughout the week. go me!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

custom lampshade

just one more use for the cricut! so fun!

Friday, February 20, 2009

decorative paper medallions

I love the color combination here - so pretty. As well what a great idea!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

fabric flower garland

of course i see primas and felt shapes from creative cafe!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

string noteboards


no tutorial is offered at the source, but these string noteboards from designer Caroline Lowgren could be a fairly simple do it yourself project. i'm thinking a piece of cardboard or chipboard covered with paper and some butcher's twine or ribbon would be easy! i'm also thinking that you might be able to purchase something circular at the craft store or even ask your local pizza shop if they have cardboard rounds for pizza!

Monday, February 16, 2009

wine glass votives

oh i see a project for my kit club here. of course patterned paper and ribbon will really jazz these up. how fun!

Friday, February 13, 2009

crayon hearts

fun craft and the kids could definitely help!

triangular treat boxes

i love these little boxes and really you could change up the paper for any occasion.

bonbon filled hearts

that says bonbon not bourbon. lol. :)

free printable valentine's tickets

these would be great on a card or a layout.

gorgeous ribbon roses

there's one way to use a bit of that ribbon stash!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

newpaper heart bunting

another bunting this one made from newspaper! adorable!

accordian fold valentine

just my type of card - easy with lots of impact!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

bee mine banner

cute valentine's day banner to download!

heart shaped paper clips

how delightfully simple - how fun!

Monday, February 09, 2009

Free pattern: Prick-and-stitch valentine

think i need to make one of these tonight - i'm not the best stitcher, but this looks easy!

pillow box

with all the valentine goodness out there i'm going to have a couple posts a day this week. enjoy!
let me know if you make anything.


i made one of these pillow boxes for christmas for teacher gift cards - i didn't have a pattern and simply covered one i had on hand. you can print the box as shown or use the printout as a pattern and make your own out of patterned paper.

Friday, February 06, 2009

antique style valentine

this reminds me of the paper folding we did in grade school!

sewn paper valentines

these use fabric, but you could just as easily use patterned paper!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

panthanger frames

i'd love to find some of these pant hangers to use to photograph layouts!

Get 1200 free prints

francine at craft gossip reports, "First time users at Artscow can get 600 free 4×6 prints and 600 free 5×7 prints. I have heard good things about the print quality and so plan to try this offer out myself. You can get all the details here."

have you checked out craft gossip yet? cool site lots of great ideas!

handmade heart doily

martha does it again! this would be super cute on a page. i really need to scrap how my little guy calls valentine's day - clementine's day. i won't correct him. it's just too cute!

product pizzazz


hey there! do you know doris sander? she's amazing. doris is a master embellisher - her layouts are pure eye candy - not only that doris is funny and warm - all around a great person!

she's offering a new class at get it scrapped called product pizzazz. the class promises to be a whole lot of fun and her design principles, technique lessons, and challenges will have you using it now!

each lesson covers the following:
- product usage
- design principle
- craft technique
- use it now challenge
-with weekly chances to win goodies
a private class forum for interacting with other participants and doris.

a private class gallery for sharing your work and seeing what others have done.

tonight doris is hosting a live chat at 9pm EST - come ask her questions, learn more about the class and you certainly wouldn't want to miss out on the chance to win these fun giveaways plus a pass to a future class at get it scrapped!

hope to see you there!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

another valentine idea

sorry about all the v-day posts, but that's what i'm finding!

Monday, February 02, 2009