Monday, January 31, 2011

iloveitall GIVEAWAY!!!

monika wright of iloveitall creates art prints with a variety of typestyles and fonts that have a modern, graphic feel. she's found that her prints appeal to young families just beginning to decorate their homes as well as the young-at-heart who are drawn to the subway art trend that has been a huge trend in decorating for years. monika is happy to report that her esty shop keeps her pleasantly busy as a stay-at-home mom to 3 kids and she somehow manages to squeeze in laundry, cleaning and cooking when she can so that she has more time to create new items for her shop!

on a personal note, monika wright is perhaps one of the sweetest people i've met online in a long time. she is encouraging and involved. her scrapbooking ideas and enthusiasm for the craft make the places she contributes brighter, happier places!

you'll find subway art like the print above in monika's store as well as customized subway prints like the one below. i have my eye on one similar for my new niece!

you can find her blogging at iloveitall and also on facebook where she has been known to offer facebook fans only coupon codes!

for the giveaway, monika is generously offering a gift certificate in the amount of $18.00 to her store. please go visit her facebook page and like it. then visit her etsy store and come back here and tell me what you would buy if you won!

she is also offering all of you an etsy coupon code for 20% off by entering the code CELESTE, which is effective until february 14, 2011. you can use the code to pick up one of these sweet mini book kits! i'll draw a winner next monday morning!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

great race clarifications

1. how do we play? make as many pages, projects, layouts and mini albums as you can during the month of february. keep count - layouts and projects are 1 pt. mini album pages and cards are 1/2 point.

2. where do you post pages? we'd love to see some of yours over at the jenni bowlin mercantile gallery!

3. keeping track. i usually keep a running total #/# - the first number is the number of layouts the second is the day of the month. i will periodically tell you how i'm doing feel free to tell me how you are doing in comments!

4. feel free to snag this blinkie!

Friday, January 28, 2011

the great race

february 1st is fast approaching, which means it's almost time for the great scrapbook race. we haven't had one since last february. essentially doris sander, paula gilarde, and i race to see who can complete the most projects during a one month period. there is no prize - just the joy of being able to call yourself a winner and of course the thrill of completing a bunch of projects in one month.

typically, doris calls the rules calvin ball and she makes them up as we go. this time around we'd like to welcome you all to join us, so we're making the rules a little more concrete. layouts and projects of any size will count for one point each. cards and mini-album pages will count for a half point each.

you don't have to post your work, but we'd love to see some of it if you're playing along. we will be posting much of ours in the jbs mercantile flickr gallery . at the end of the month we'll have some random drawings . . . the more you post the more chances you will have to win!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sunday, January 23, 2011

charity kit for zoe pearn

Please check out this charity kit for one of Sweet Shoppe Designs designers, Zoe Pearn. Her family recently lost everything during the flooding in Australia and desperately need help. This kit is gorgeous, and jammed pack to the top & includes goodies not only from our own designers, but from alot of other amazing designers from around... the digiscrap community. It's only $10 and all profits will go directly to Zoe and her family ♥

Friday, January 21, 2011

new "old" studio

i don't know if you remember, but i thought for awhile that i would be moving my studio into a different room in our house. when my husband finished the room that used to be my studio, he couldn't bring himself to give it to my artistic (read messy, destructive, etc.) seven-year old. so he moved me right back in. well in the meantime i had reduced my paper stash by almost 75% and ended up one expedite and a couple pieces of furniture shorter. i used to have a table in the middle of the room. that is gone now. the plan is to infuse the room with more orange.

in case you are interested this is what the room used to look like.

my favorite part of the new room is the flooring. my dear husband refinished it and patched up a few sections that needed flooring. you can see glimpses of it in the photos below.the paint color is martha stewart dolphin. the handles on the closet doors were a steal only $12 each at ocean state job lot. a couple new art items. still need to do something above the new uncomfortable chair from target (it was super cheap and it pulls out to a bed so my little guy can sleep there when we have company!)

the boys bought me the gerber daisy art at target - sweet of them so i felt compelled to hang them up. the low closet doors are on either side of the daisies - that's a long awkward closet that has odds and ends in it.

i'm not going into great detail about my storage, but if you are interested please ask questions and i'll do a q&a thread next week. click on the photos for a larger view.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

jenni bowlin peeks

all this week peeks are happening on the jenni bowlin inspiration blog. how fun are those silhouettes in the be our guest line. not to mention new double-sided cardstock weight papers - i'm excited to play!

Monday, January 17, 2011


i could spend hours looking around here

Friday, January 14, 2011

how to: starbursts and medallions

i know you've probably done this but i really love the flower looking ones!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

love this girl!

she's so fun to scrap and she likes having her photo taken. go figure!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

best of your days

a free printable that lets you write the best part of your day for each day of 2011. super cute! and even though you've missed a few days it would still be great to get started!

more months

continuing on my quest for a summary page for each month in 2010. i wasn't thinking and they really won't be able to go in a book in the correct order. but at least they are scrapped! and yes i have a kraft problem!

Thursday, January 06, 2011

layouts to share

here are a few recent layouts - all supplies are from 2Ps. thanks for looking!

angie kovac's P365 in a snap and p365 date pack
shelly castillo's january paper pack

michelle underwood's dog days page kit

diane rigdon's notables
tricia chapman's cozy flannels

lauren reid's cloud 9 kit

i have to get crack-a-lackin'! i still have 11 more layouts to do for this month for design teams! crazy!

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Monday, January 03, 2011

need a calendar?

head on over to the ella publishing blog to download a free one i made!  :)