Saturday, December 31, 2011

top 11 favorite layouts of 2011

well everyone else is doing it why shouldn't i?



 not sure if i can tie them all together. i see loads of kraft. boy do i love kraft! some paint splattering and misting. piles of buttons! border strips on the top & bottom of pages too. some photos of myself - i made a conscience effort to include myself more. and notice that they are all digi.  i guess my honorable mentions should be paper pages. here are a few....

thanks for looking. happy new year everyone! i hope you new year is filled with love, laughter and loads of crafting!  :)

Friday, December 30, 2011

jumpin on the project life bandwagon

well, after hemming and hawing for a few days. i decided that this was the year i would try project life. (it ties into my one little word that i hope to have scrapped by the sunday.) i have decided to do this 100% digitally. i purchased the clementine edition and the templates over at jessica sprague. i figure if i want to add ephemera i'll just scan it in. i'm not even going to attempt two page spreads this year. i'm thinking one page per week will suffice. i'll most likely stick pretty closely to standard form but add in some goodies from my digital stash like i did on this cover page. simple simple simple is going to be my mantra.  

(the top right square idea is STOLEN from stephanie howell. i loved her journaling and stole it and the twine from her. :) thanks steph!)

are you joining me? link me up to your start!

and with this i posted every week day this month. can i get a round of applause? j/k

check out shimelle's camera school for tips on using that new slr!

Monday, December 26, 2011

printable calendar

are you ready for 2012? here's a sweet little calendar just for you!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

giveaway at sweet shoppe

merry christmas and happy hanukkah!  :) today i'm hosting a giveaway over at the sweet shoppe blog. of course, you'd need to register at the site to enter, but if you are at all into digi scrapping you'll want to check it out! it runs until new year's eve. the card above was made using dani mogstad's fa la la kit available at sweet shoppe and is what i sent out this year. decided to forgo the xmas caard photo shoot blues this year! lol  have a fabulous day with the ones you love!

button wreath ornament

what a great way to use up some buttons and this one is super kid friendly too!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

vintage sheet music

printable christmas sheet music. love love love!

Monday, December 19, 2011

paper cut coasters

goodness those are lovely. they'd make a great xmas gift!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Friday, December 16, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

simply adorable

free printable! great use for all those brads you have lying around!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


i thought this was really clever! love that the pop top stays intact!

amazing freebie

look at all that krafty goodness!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

more gift tags!

these gift tags are cute and a little bit retro. i think i must print some out!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

going going gone sale

head on over to the sweet shoppe for some sweet deals on retiring kits. don't miss these because when they're gone well they're gone for-ev-er. there are some awesome kits, some great stitching from traci reed, misty cato's scrapping styles for titles that are to die for, and some fabulous bent bunch frames from penny that i use all.the.time. hurry on over!

Friday, December 09, 2011

snap hoop art

i want one in orange and grey for my studio. anyone want to make me one?

Thursday, December 08, 2011

keep calm printable

i printed one of these last year and it really helped me stay grounded a bit! it's free.

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

card garland

i'm a sucker for garlands and this one is really fun. it would be cool to make a christmas version from christmas cards to strong across the mantle!

Monday, December 05, 2011

printable calendar from me

head on over to today and pick up a 2012 printable calendar from me!

Friday, December 02, 2011

wine gift tags

head on over to the design house digital blog today and see how i put these together! you can also check out close-ups of each design.

Thursday, December 01, 2011

simple scrapper december

Supplies: Lil Sailor kit by Kristin Cronin Barrow at Sweet Shoppe Designs, 
Misty Cato Epoxy Style, Fonts Century Gothic and Poplar Std

Supplies: Hey Mister kit by Traci Reed and Jennifer Barrette at Sweet Shoppe Designs, Agency FB font

head on over to simple scrapper and check out the december template packs. jennifer outdid herself this month. such fun templates! 

another advent calendar

an older one. can't believe what it's made from!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

advent calendar

with a free numbers download. i think it would be cute to arrange them like a tree!

cool package idea

head on over to the jillibean soup blog for a mini-tutorial on how to make these cute packages!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

december daily bases

i uploaded my december daily bases to flickr. it is 100% digital and I didn't worry about facing pages or anything. i'm not sure how i'm going to assemble it yet and i haven't done a cover! i have two day 28s - will change one of them to a 9 soon! most aren't even shadowed yet, but i feel ready to add photos, journaling and more embellishments to the pages as i go.

the list of credits is amazing. i modified tiffany tillamns' holiday template set from last year for some of the pages. i also filled in with other templates of hers. as well i used valorie wibbens little pockets 3. almost all of the pattern paper is from robyn meierotto's vintage holiday kit. i'll try and type the rest up and get them on this post later. if you see something that you want to know about just ask for now!