Thursday, October 12, 2006

well crap

some of you know what happened others might not. just know i'm ok - mean people suck that's all i'm saying. anyway, i've made the decision that 2Ps is really awful. so i've removed all my layouts and won't post much over there. i have a lot of layouts in other places. i'm sure you'll find me. honestly, i've achieved every scrappin' goal i've set out to do. i'm not interested in contests. so i'm just going to enjoy where i'm at and let the other stuff roll off my back.

on a brighter front, i was offered a job yesterday that pays 25% more than my current position and promises to be much more fulfilling.

hope everyone is excited to watch survivor and grey's tonight...i know i am.


  1. Anonymous8:43 PM


    I am so sorry this has happened to you. Ignore all that crap! You do beautiful, original :) work and should be very proud of it! I, for one love to see your work and will miss it @ 2p's, but I know where to find you ;)

  2. Anonymous9:00 PM

    So sad to hear this Celeste. Really sad. I hope you will reconsider, but I tend to agree with you about 2Peas lately. It's changed a ton, and not for the better, I'm afraid. :(

  3. Anonymous9:03 PM

    CONGRATS on the job offer! hopefully it will be more fullfilling and an enjoyable place to be.

    glad to see it has "rolled on down the pike" Mean people suck!

  4. Anonymous11:35 PM

    I've never been a big fan of 2Peas... too clicky.

    But I definitely know where to find you! And big congrats on the new job!

  5. I'm sorry you won't be around 2p's, Celeste but truthfully I haven't posted any layouts there in awhile. I don't really check in there as much anymore :(

    Congratulations on the new job!

  6. Hey Celeste,
    I'm so sorry about that but I think you did the best for you ;-)
    Just ignore my e-mail ;-) Seems I don't visit the places in the right way ;-)


  7. Anonymous11:42 AM

    i have no idea what happened, but it's sound terrible. i'm so sorry that happened to you! you don't deserve it. i love your work. send me an email so i know where to find you :)
    congrats on the new job!

  8. Anonymous2:48 PM

    I'm so sad (((Celeste)))...what happened? boo hiss. can't imagine 2peas without you, but I'm happy i do know where to find you. big hugs. PS. Congrats on the new job :)

  9. Anonymous3:00 PM

    oh celeste. i wish i knew what happened! i will miss your work so much on twopeas, its the only place i go. i cant understand why everyone hates it so much, im just not aware of everything i guess.

    i heart you and i think that is all that matters! hehe kidding. i do hope you keep blogging! and as far as toots go, we all need to share them (i would need to if I ever had a reason to!) so you can definitely send them my way, comment on my blog, drop me an email, call me, whatever you feel like doing. i am and always will be here for you!

    i promise!

    theresa marie

  10. Oh no...I missed what happened, but I can say that I am so very sad to see you and your layouts go. I will definitely have to find you elsewhere on the web :) Congrats of the new job offer!

  11. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Celeste, Im so sorry to hear the horrible:(
    Congrats on the new job offer, hope all works out fine:)

  12. Anonymous3:00 AM

    Congrats on the job offer -- that is great news.

    I've never been a fan of 2ps -- sorry to hear you decided to leave it, but I know where to find you. :-D

  13. Anonymous11:29 AM

    I don't know what happened but I'm really sorry to see you leave 2peas. I love your work-I hope I can find it elsewhere.

    Congrats on the new job!
