Thursday, November 30, 2006



why do I equate rejection in the scrapbooking industry with personal failure? one of my design teams decided not to renew me for next year. i’ve worked hard for them, always been on time and i’ve always been willing to go the extra mile. i am so overwhelmed with assignments that the fact that they non-renewed actually is a good thing, but something inside me says i wasn’t good enough. subjectivity. i need to remember that.

anyhow, on a better note. i can’t wait to purge. i have a bunch of paper and other assorted items to go through and get rid of which will help me get more organized and give me more space. I’ve finished up my assignments and i’m moving on. this will allow me to spread out my american crafts stuff a bit and be more productive in my never ending quest for publication. by now if you’ve figured it out and your interested in some stuff – track me down and ask me for some! lol

on a happier note, the poppy ink gallery debuts tonight. awesome awesome kit and the dt just rocks. you can’t get in on this months kit, but you can sign up for the next one or order some of the rockin’ add-ons.

and my debut as one of the blue crew on scrapjazz is tonight. doodlebug galore and rockin’ buttons too.


  1. Don't feel back about not getting renewed on one of your design teams. As you mentioned, it probably is a blessing in disguise because it will free you up to do something else that is on the horizon that you may not even know about :-)...keep your chin up. I love all your work. I'm setting my alarm for 2am to make sure I get the poppykit add ons...and I"m anxiously awaiting my giggle box poppy project in the mail (fingers crossed, could it be today) :-)

    About your stash comment...are you doing a give-a-way?


  2. I love your work Celeste!!!! But your right it is all subjective and in the long run it will all work out for the best! Getting excited to check out the new Poppy kit too and see what the entire DT came up with!!! Love the 1st of the month :)

  3. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Believe in yourself my friend. :)That's #1. You didn't get to where you are now b/c you suck, kwim? You're a fabulous scrapper. It's their loss and probably will be someone else's gain that you didn't get renewed. I do believe everything happens for a reason, and I'm sure another great opportunity will come your way soon, if you can handle all that assignment pressure, lol!
    I can't wait to see your new PI stuff tomorrow. :)

    mel xox

  4. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Well they must be crazy not to keep you on! You rock! Besides you're already on some of the most rocking dt's ever!

    And you can just feel free to send all of that purging down here to Florida!

  5. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Celeste, you can design for me any day and i'm sure there would be heaps of others that feel that way.

    Sometimes the companies just feel like a change of name - nothing to do with your layouts.

    Anyway, keep them coming 'cause I love them all.

    Pity I'm so far away, I'd put my hand up in a flash for some of your goodies - maybe when you come and visit me here in Australia !

  6. dude.
    you rock.
    remember that.
    off to check PI and SJ (is that up yet?)

  7. I am a HUGE fan of your work - I can never resist clicking on your pages when I see them - your style is unique and i LOOOVE it!

  8. Anonymous3:25 PM

    don't feel bad...You know you rock!!

    chin up, girlie

  9. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Their loss! Your gain! You are an amazing scrapper and person and you do not need anyone to validate that for you!
