Monday, December 18, 2006

of christmas prep and letterboxes

let's see not much to update here. we've been preparing for christmas here. we wrapped all the gifts this past weekend and decorated a little gingerbread tree. i'm pretty much ready to go - just food shopping and such. huge sigh of relief. the kids are gearing up for it and can't wait to decorate the tree tonight. it's my mom's birthday today - trying to think about her a lot today. happy birthday mom - i miss you!

been working on my january scrapjazz assignment - fun new ki wild thing paper - ki was generous - the full line! i've done 7 layouts - hope to do one more and a card this week. nothing earth shattering just my usual style but fun. poppy ink january kit should arrive soon - bg blush and other awesome goodies - heather burch has done it again! i'm missing the pi girlies as the board is down until after the holidays - hope you are all well and enjoying the season.

yesterday we went letterboxing for the first time with the kids. no we weren't letting them hit each other with huge letters nor were we delivering mail. :) here's a good definition...

letterboxing enthusiasts hide and hunt weatherproof containers in remote or
scenic places. each container holds a guestbook, a rubber stamp and stamp
pad. the planter of the letterbox distributes clues to it's location. clues
can be easy to difficult; finding a letterbox may require a combinaton of
skills such as mapreading, orienteering, and puzzle-solving.

basically, you go to the website, look up a location and print the directions. off you go on a hunt for boxes. the kids loved it! i loved it! terry loved it! so much fun to have a quest during our usual tromp in the woods. so intriguing to know those boxes were hiding out there the whole time. i see a lot more of this in our future. i took a lot of pictures but didn't have time to go through them last night. who knows we might even get into geocaching - which is a similar concept, but using a gps.

work is awesome - i'm loving my new job. so much better than the last one. so much better than my prior position - i'm really excited about it!

hope you and yours are happy and healthy. have a wonderful christmas and a prosperous new year! i'll post next year. ;)


  1. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Sounds like you've been as busy as I am... :p Definitely going to try that letterboxing thing over the holidays- sounds fun!

    Have a very Merry Christmas, my friend, hope to catch up with you soon!

    mel xox

  2. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Happy Holidays!! ((hugs))

  3. Anonymous11:48 PM

    check out letterboxing and there are a bunch in our area, so that will be our little outing Sat. Thanks for the tip and have a Merry, Merry Christmas

  4. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Oh letterboxing sounds like a fun activity. Hope you had a great Christmas!!

  5. isn't letterboxing fun? there are a lot of boxes hidden on the Cape which makes a nice diversion for early evening entertainment

    Happy New Year!!
