Wednesday, March 21, 2007

sweet side effect

for the past few days, i've had terry pick sam up at school. it was becoming such an emotional drain on me and really making me crazy and uptight. i'd get to school and sam would hide or run away or start whining that he didn't want to go home. invariably he would end up hitting me or kicking me and then i'd have to drag him out kicking and screaming to the car. then he would proceed to cry all the way across town to adam's school - not want to get out of the car to go get adam. then he wouldn't want to leave school. horrible. so i told terry that he needed to do it for awhile and go get him after work (an hour later than i usually arrive.) terry's first couple days were awful, but now sam knows terry means business so it's getting better.
the sweet side effect in all this is i get to go straight to adam - i get there 20-25 minutes faster. then we can actually talk in the car without a whining and crying three year old! it has been truly wonderful. he tells me about his day and we hang out together a bit before i start dinner. today i asked him to let me take a few photos - sometimes when i'm talking to him i can't get over how cute and smart he is. today was like that - he was talking about the masters (renoir, seurat, monet, michelangelo etc.) and i asked him if i could shoot some photos. so here he is - my big boy. :)

and yes he loves to be goofy - what kindergartener doesn't? i did manage to get him to smile a couple times!
blogger is awful for photos. here's a link to a better view of the montage...


  1. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Great photos! I just love them! What a cute personality.

  2. aren't 3 year olds lovely? LOL sounds like you and Adam are being able to have some special time each day - what wonderful memories you are creating with him. Also -- SUCH CUTE photos!! loved all the different facial expressions you were able to capture :)

  3. sorry to hear about the trouble with sam. fab fab fab pics of adam!!

  4. Anonymous7:28 PM

    I TOTALLY know how you feel. I went through the same thing with dd for awhile. Glad you're getting some special along time with Adam though!!

  5. Hang in there girl. It's probably just a phase :)
    Adam is too smart!!! and completely adorable!!!
