Saturday, April 21, 2007

list update

sara asked what i was able to get done on wednesday so i'll update my i've updated the list with x's - by end of day wednesday i was almost finished.

x emerging issues news monitoring
x start weekly news briefing
x finish retention report
x download annual reports
x find q1 conference call times
x write up new hire interviews
read pile of reports on desk
x compile frequency and severity for personal lines carriers q1 2007
x start q1 2007 activity log
x finish travelers news for briefing book
x expense report

personal nsbr (not scrapbook related)
x confirm hair appt.
x make doctor's appt.
x write out check for pre-school deposit
x agenda for parent's association meeting tonight
x grid for teacher appreciation
x pick up adam at school
x make dinner
x make kids lunches
x parent's association meeting
x watch america's next top model
x pharmacy - get prescriptions filled, buy tonic

sbr (scrapbook related)
x page a day for scrapgal - scan and post
x finish 4 scrap packs for crop on may 5th
do one layout for secret project (shhh)
x put pile of patterned paper away
x post office - mail scrapbook trends layouts in
x catch up in scrapgal gallery
x post qotd at poppy ink
x email carly about donation

so the secret layout and the pile of reports didn't get done. i finished the reports yesterday. the layout maybe late this week.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:19 PM

    MAN! you were busy...did you sleep on Wed? he he he

    Glad to see you got most of it done!!! hope you had a great weekend
