Tuesday, April 29, 2008


via decor8

whitney english paper and little pretty studio have a new collection of hoop.de.doo bulletin boards. aren't they the cutest? you can buy one or here's a tutorial on how to make your own.

perhaps the reason i was struck by these hoops is the simple use of scrapbook product as home decor. i think that the jenni bowlin bingo card and the 7 gypsies falsh card just look lovely and so inspiring. don't you? of course, who can resist all that yummy fabric.

i'm backing up on things to share with you. i'm going to have to do a quick link multi-post. maybe tomorrow. so check back!


  1. Anonymous9:19 AM

    oh, Celeste, i LOVE LOVE LOVE that you're sharing all these goodies on your blog. thanks

  2. FUN! I need to pull some of those hoops out of my mom's closet and make one of these boards!

  3. Love those hoops!

  4. what a practical and imaginative way to re-purpose embroidery hoops! now to find them . . .
