Thursday, June 12, 2008

button rings

::via sew bettie

do you love buttons as much as i do? aren't these the cutest? i love the vintage-y buttons. you can buy the kits at sew bettie - but i'm sure some of you clever readers could think of how to do this with the buttons in your stash. bettie uses elastic here. i bet a trip to the craft store would yield a cheap flat ring that you could hot glue the button stack to as well for a new sew option! :)


  1. these rings are fabulous!! I'm thinking of some cute necklaces too!

  2. I'm a button fanatic, too. These are awesome!

  3. Oh my gosh! You totally made my day. Thanks so much for linking to my DIY kit. I think some strong glue could also work well.

  4. i think we need to make button rings for cha... i am in love.

  5. WoooWW!!

    I love it!!
