Wednesday, November 19, 2008

a cool new book

lain ehmann (simple scrapbooks contributing editor) has a new book out called snippets. it promises to be hilarious for if you've ever visited lain's blog you' know that she is a very funny lady! here's how she describes the book..

'Snippets is a collection of short essays about scrapbooking and all the crazy things this hobby makes us do. Hybrid, shabby chic, artistic, traditional, digital. all of us are, deep down, doing the same thing - documenting our lives. I wrote Snippets with the intent that it would help bring scrappers together. I'm hoping people will have as much fun reading it as I had writing it!'

check out some sample essays at the link above and don't miss the don't miss the virtual launch party at the simple website on thursday, november 20th for fun and some giveaways i bet!

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