here are some photos of the contents of the box i'm giving away. i'm hoping it all fits in the box (click on the photo and it will get bigger!) - i might have to play with it a bit! some stuff might have to come out of packaging.
almost all of the stuff is complete packages - just a few aren't.
if you want a chance to win, under followers to the left, just click on follow this.
i'll draw a name on thursday afternoon.
and thanks to all of you i really purged a ton yesterday. i feel really good about it. but have a long way to go!
Now THAT is a purge!!!
now that's what I call a RAK!
Wow!! What an amazing giveaway!
Thank you for doing this :-)
WOW! that must have been alot of work!! Congrats!!
Thats super nice of you to give it away to someone!
Good grief! This is quite a haul! Whoever wins this is going to have to host a purge of her own! We could start the great circle of purging!!
oh my goodness.... that to me is hours of scrapping fun!! guess what they say is true- someone's purge is another gal's embellishments!!
What an amazing giveway!
I volunteer to take those goodness... =)
Hi from Argentina , i have your blog in my blog since a few months ago. I love your work.
Oh my! this is awesome, I really hope I win lol
A-MAZING!!! Good for you--and for one of us!!!
OOOOOHHHHHH I would love to win all those goodies...thank you so much for the giveaway
wow! that is a ton of stuff! thanks for the chance to win! i hope i added myself correctly =)
omg such wonderful goodies :)
Thanks for stopping by
Good Luck on winning the gift Certificate :)
I really love your blog; A lot of tresures here ;-)
And I'd like to win this giveaway !!!
WOW!! That`s a real candy ;)
Man, if that is what you are purging, I can only imagine WHAT you are keeping!
There will be one lucky person out there!
Wow this is amazing what a big give away its not a blogcandy but more a blogdiner. It helps to come through the cold winterdays.Thanks a lot. Moon69
wow your really cleaned out your closet i'm impressed!!!
Don't pick me, I don't want it...lol! But holy moly that's a ton of good loot!
wow! So many goodies! I hope I win! Haha
Wow!!! New to this Blogger stuff and happened upon your site. Don't have a website yet...will work on that Google/Blogger identity. Thanks for the chance to win some fabulous stuff!! Wow! Can I come over next time you purge??? Lauralee - Talascam @rogers.com
Way to purge! I need to do that sometime soon. Thanks for being so inspiring always. :)
This is an amazing giveaway! You have seriously purged - good on you
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