Tuesday, April 06, 2010

and the bear wants more...

this is a recipe for laundry detergent, but i just love the labels she included so there you are!

lemon, orange and lime labels (they come with no words) - could be printed and used as is on a page!

another free printable to do list!

mini bunting from japanese tape - tutorial

diy crepe paper flowers

paper purses - how cute!

intro to digital scrapbooking! very cool!

photojojo has posted a video showing you how to take better photos in low light conditions.

now let's hope i find some more ideas - because my folder is empty! :)


  1. love all your links...thanks so much!
    I just bought some Japanese happy tape in San Diego so was happy to see the tape bunting...do you have a link for the actual tutorial? thanks so much

  2. updated the bunting link - thanks janice!

  3. You've been busy! Thanks for sharing all these great links!
