Friday, February 18, 2011

lazy blogger

i've been lazy about posting inspiration lately. i promise i'll be better next week. i'll spend some time this weekend setting up some posts!

today i'm sharing a layout from 2Ps. my sister always jokes about how she can't take a good picture (she's kind of the anti-barney (how i met your mother.) i actually shot this photo of her at her birthday party. and it's a pretty good photo! :) i guess having a stomach bug and fever suits her. lol!

i also made this little piece of wall art for my studio...

and here is a bit of inspiration!

have you heard the story of vivian maier? so inspiring and truly amazing!
check out more of her gorgeous photography at John Maloof's blog.

1 comment:

Patrice~ said...

just visited the website. fabulous information. definitely will be taking the train to see this exhibit.