Tuesday, August 16, 2011

2 handsome boys

my boys - taken this weekend!

supplies here all from two peas!


  1. Love this layout! Adding it to my idea pages collection. :-)

  2. another great layout! love it!

  3. Thank you for being such an awesome example of living life in JOY!
    The French call it joie de vivre - the joy of living. The Italians express it as nienta sense gioia - nothing without joy. To the Greeks, it's kefi - the spirit of joy, passion, enthusiasm, high spirits.
    I personally believe that Joy should be reintroduced into each and every part of our daily lives! That is why I have created a “Joy Campaign” to help embrace the daily joys in life! I thought because you seemed devoted to a similar inspirational cause, you might be interested in helping me pass it on?
    THE BLOG(for daily reminders and joy challenges) http://blog.livethelife123.com/
    FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=hpskip#!/pages/Joy/118990381452407
    TWITTER: http://twitter.com/#!/JOYinthejrny
    Thanks for all your insight and your support! I will keep reading your amazing posts!
