Monday, March 10, 2014

calvinball going strong

calvin ball is going strong. i'm leading the pack at 161 points, but i'm sure there are secret point hoarders somewhere and i'm going to get dinged! here's how my points shake out.

Scrappy Points: 115
Layouts = 76
Project Life = 15
2 two-pager = 4
40 cards = 20

Bonus Points: 46

the rules keep changing too. hard to keep up! i get a point for this blog post! wheeee!

here are some pages i've done....i'm using templates solely. i've finished up june and july 2012. the only thing i have left for august is our cape trip which is 19 pages. i'm hoping to get those done by the end of the week! i scrap chronologically when i'm not working on assignments which these days is pretty much always.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. You are really kicking tail! I'm not afraid of losing to you at all. ha! The I gotta pea LO is probably my fave in this group. :)
