exciting goings on this am here at the smith household. but let's look back a little first...
two years ago after baseball they had a fair and there were people giving things out. one of them was this litle tooth holder shaped like a tooth. the other night i checked adam's tooth and saw that it was wiggly. he shot up out of bed (we were reading) climbed up on this table in his room and brought the tooth down and said "guess i'll be needing this soon!" i was so surprised that he had kept it and remembered where it was. i was giggling - he was so excited!
well back to this am, my niece, lila, "helped" adam and pulled his tooth right out. how funny is that? so while taking photos of him and the tooth. i took one of her with the tooth holder. if i'm motivated later i'll try and post them.
nothing going on in the scrappin' world for me. i did post my poppy ink and scrapgal layouts for february. fun stuff. i just had a lot of fun this month and didn't worry - which felt liberating. i'm going to try and aproach it like that next month.
cha - oh my - huh? my list is a mile long. i even bought some of the new american crafts even though i'll be sent a bunch. couldn't wait! here's some of the paper...it's available right now at scrapgal - run don't walk. carly will get it in the mail to you today probably if you order this am. you'll have it in your hot little hands on tuesday! she's the speediest shipper on the net.
i've seen the scenic route out there. it's coming soon. i'm trying to be good and not buy what i won't use. not buying full collections of paper and mostly embellishments since that is really what i need more of. so my list includes 7 gypsies, hambly grids and rub ons, scenic route, the creative imaginations scalloped paper, ki, love elsie, bam pop, pizzazzill, sassafras lass, makimg memories, autumn leaves journal stamps, gin-x as you wish, project essentials (office linle from imagination project), heidi swapp and i will be buying a lime green cropodile. no bg, no mme, nothing distressed! i don't do distressed well and i have volumes of it! i'm super energized about the new lines. can't wait to get them and play.
the sinuses - the cat scan showed nothing. not enough sinus disease and a slightly deviated septum so no surgery for me - it's a wait in see. in the meantime, i'm coughing again. my md prescribed tessalon. it seems to be working a little better than nothing. i'm doing a lot better than i have in the past. so i'll take it. sinus pain is ick - sinusitis - no infection - so that's good.
this weekend - no plans. i hope to clean out a closet, help adam with valentine's cards for his teachers and of course his homework, and go through the kids clothes - wish they'd stop growing!
we have snow on the ground here for the first time this year. i'm sure the boys will be out playing in it this afternoon.
hope all is well with you!
Now there's a great update! ;)
Congrats to your dude on the tooth-we had a similar incident here with Bobby 'accidentally' pulling out Noah's tooth (2nd) too, lol.
I kwym about those AC papers- I was lucky enough to get some from CHA and have already done two layouts, gorgeous, gorgeous stuff!And all the new stuff coming out-makes my head spin just thinking about it. Where will I put it all? Totally with you about not buying the distressed stuff too- I have tons and never use it.
Off to a hockey tournament- have a great weekend and get scrapping with your AC! :p
i was wondering what happened to you celeste !
what an amazing selection of papers you have - i'm so envious - I'm sending you a post bag so you can throw your scraps my way - LOL.
hope your sinuses settle down soon.
glad that little tooth came out - look forward to seeing a cool layout about it.
so good to hear from you again, celeste.
Yeah for Adam and his tooth -- what a fun holder to put it in. Love the new AC papers -- you're making me drool on my keyboard.
Thats so cute about Adam and his tooth!
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