:via design crush
what a cool idea for an art journal page or a layout...
"Write a short text about yourself (300 words min / 500 words max) include interests, likes, dislikes, future plans etc. Using black ink make a careful print from your thumb. Enlarged your black and white thumb print to approximately the size of your face. Using a clean sheet of A3 paper, handwrite your text following the contour lines from your thumb print (you can use tracing paper, or thin copy paper) Final result: You should have a combination of your own words, in your handwriting, in the pattern of your finger print forming a personal self portrait."
it would be neat to do this for your kids as well!
oh, that's totally fun!
You find the coolest stuff Celeste!
woah! that is too cool. A lot of work though!
ow this is cool - might need to be retired to find the timet o do this though - sigh!
I love, love, LOVE this idea! I'm going to use it with my students for an upcoming class.
VERY cool :-)
So cool, Celeste! Lots of inspiration here this week!
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