day 3! wheeee!
be sure to visit these blogs today -
elisha snow, rebecca cooper, marnie flores, cheryl overton
another simple memory...
let's rewind the clock to september 17th, 2007. i check my email around 3:00pm and find an email from angie lucas with the subject "surprise!" heart pounding....palms sweating...i click open the email and it reads..."We would like to invite you to be a 2008 Simple Gal!" i think the neighbors heard me scream! i was so excited - a wonderful opportunity to work with a fabulously creative group of women and a magazine i loved. it was just a dream. sigh.
today's prize is this collection of paper from heidi grace and cloud 9 designs.
you'll need to answer a simple trivia question correctly to be entered to win! you have until midnight on saturday may, 2nd to answer each days question. answer each day on the post for that day. i'll draw winners on sunday morning.
what was the date on the first issue of simple scrapbooks magazine?
today's special bloggers are...
elisha snow, rebecca cooper, marnie flores, cheryl overton
be sure to check out their blogs for cool prizes and stories! come back tomorrow for my big prize!
I think I missed the trivia question.. :)
The first issue hit newsstands in 2002.
2002 - the year scrapbboking simply really began! ~TanyaS
...The Publication Year: 2002....;)
First came about in 2002! I'm so sad it's gone! :(
I'll be checking CK mag for Simple stuff!
I just did a bunch a research and the earliest copy I found was the February/March 2002 Issue...they announced the new CK spinoff magazine, Simple Scrapbooks, January 28th 2002-I believe. Thanks for the opportunity, long live SS!!!!
Feb/Mar 2002 :)
Feb/March 2002 was the first issue
I think it was February of 2002. I wish I had a copy!!
about 7 years ago, in 2002. im sad that the only scrapbook mag with 5 stars is leaving us :(
February/March 2002. That was a tough question to find the answer too.
February/March 2002 - I have it on my shelf!
It was the Feb/March 2002 issue. Had to do some searching for this. I wish I had that issue on my shelves, but I didn't find SS until the next year.
Feb/March 2002 :)
2002, and the beginning of my scrapping days.
It's 2002 but I couldn't find the month.
February/March 2002. Coincidentally, 2002 is the year that I started scrapbooking!
February/March 2002
Melissa G.
SS hit the newsstands in 2002 (per Stacy's farewell Editor's note in the last issue). Per research (ok I am trusting my fellow responders - I'm so busted...) it was the Feb/Mar issue.
The first issue of SS was in 2002!
I'm a newbie so obviously not going to get any of these HARD questions. Just thinking that I would love to get my hands on a 2002 issue and see how SS and the simple philosophy evolved.
I don't know the answer.
BUT I know you are the tiara balancing, sash modeling poster girl for all that is good and simple. In a word. You rock!
Easy Peasy - Feb/Mar of 2002 - Stacy Julian got us all thinking about scrapping in a different way!!
Feb/March 2002
Well how can I not say Feb/March 2002
I too think Feb/March 2002 and I bet it's somewhere around buried in all my stash.
The year was 2002
The Premiere issue came out in Jan./Feb. 2002. The cover story was "Scrapbook Your Goals & Dreams" and has a picture of a woman making a clay pot on a pottery wheel. I have this issue. I'll have to go back and re-read it now. I know I'll miss this magazine so much, It was my favorite!
Cheryl D.
I DID hear you screan...all the way in Utah!
I meant "scream" of course.
feb/march 2002...I have it!
2002 was the year it came out and I still have my very fisrt issue!
Feb/Mar of 2002
The first issue was Feb/March 2002.
Feb/March 2002
so cool! thanks for the chance to win! I think 2002 is the answer, I've only gotten it for 2 years though and am sorry to see it go!
2002 - long before I had even heard of such a thing!
The year my daughter was born...and she was born in March 2002! (so, the February/March issue!)
Early 2002, I think Feb.
Karen G
Feb/March 2002!!!
Feb/March 2002- and I have it at home after scouring ebay for it last year! :)
Feb./Mar. 2002!
Feb/Mar 2002, of course! : )
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