ok so i read snippets: mostly true tales from the lighter side of scrapbooking and it's delightfully funny. thought i'd pass it on to the next scrapper. so tell me if you have a new year's resolution below and i'll pull a winner on monday at 5pm EST.
oh and sorry internationals i'm quite poor right (xmas bills sigh) now so i'll be shipping to usa only. :( i feel bad i'm sorry. :(
i have a few resolutions ... to exercise more (this one I NEED to do); to get some more scrapping time in; to eat healthier; to save money.
Finish what I sta...
...start. (This will be hard for me.) ;)
My resolution is to organize my life a bit more, try to focus on my priorities and make more time for myself. I'm also starting a 365 photo a day project. Looking forward to where the year takes me.
I don't have a resolution, but I sure would like that book :)
I've been wanting to read this!
I have four main resolutions: to not spend money on frivalous things...save more. Volunteer as a family more. Organize my entire home, and exercise.
I have two. One is to use what I have so I don't keep spending more money and the other is to scrap more! Hope I win!
Celeste, you find the
coolest ideas and links.
My resolution?
Drink more diet Coke . . . hee.
hi, i miss talking to you. my main resolution is to do the things i SHOULD instead of thinking about doing them. i'm burning all my photos to cds right now. :)
I have some resolutions but I like to call them "goals" because that seems better for me. One of them is to be more disciplined with my schedule in 2009. Not staying up too late or sleeping in too much. I hope I win! LOL I've been looking for that book around here and can't find it!
Happy New Year!
Every year seems to be the same...I resolve to keep "jumping in" trying new things & sharing what I learn with people!
Wishing you the best~
I've been dying to get my hands on that book! Thanks for the chance to win.
My resolution is to simplify in ALL aspects of my life. To live simply and simply live.
My resolution is to be more organized!!!
I have a million! Lose weight, be more organized, stop biting nailings, stop procrastinating...list goes on and on!
my biggest is to enjoy the moment. not focus on what is next on my list to do but enjoy what I am doing that moment. also exercise more and eat better! Would love to win that book, my 40th birthday is on the 6th and I need to laugh!
Lose weight **SIGH** I do tire of this one! Get published. Buy house. Thanks for the share! If I win, I'll offer it up in my blog as soon as I'm finished and mail it to the next girl!
one is to spend more one-on-one time with each of my kids and my dh.
My resolution is to get rid of my excess "stuff." Junk, boxes, old clothes that I never wear, etc.
One of my resolutions is to smile and laugh more, especially with my toddler (who just dumped a glass of water down her front while I wasn't looking....)
i have been wanting to read this too - fab giveaway girl
my resolution is to find more time to just enjoy the simple things everyday!
happy new year celeste! :) m-
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