that's just a small part of my studio (i've actually redone my other expedit with the color sort so it looks similar to this one.) maybe after this purge i'll take some new photos as the set up has changed a bit. sam (my little guy) has his craft area in my studio now. it's fun to have him with me while i'm on the computer and crafting.
***edited to add: the ikea boxes are called kassett.
anyhow, the deal is i need to purge. my goal is to reduce by about half so i can move out of this room and into sam's smaller room. (his room is near his brother's - when he was a little guy we thought he'd like that better.) then sam can have this room (including one of my expedits) - this will give him more room for his toys and he'll keep his craft area too!
so here comes the giveaway. this will force me to get started. i have nothing to show you, but i promise it will be good stuff. the plan is to fill (completely) a flat rate mailer with goodies for one lucky person. all you have to do is click the follow this blog link on the sidebar to the left. your pretty blogger picture will appear under the widget then!
i'll pull a name from my followers next thursday, january 15th. so get clicking!
i think it's great that you're willing to move your stuff so your son can have a bigger room. what a great mom!
Great idea, I should take a clue and purge this year also but instead....well, I would love to win some cool stuff. Love your blog, thanks for sharing. Lisa
i'm so ashamed to say it but i've been following you for some time (lurking actually)LOL--i love that you are purging through your things---good luck to everyone who enters---remain blessed!!!
Purging is good for the soul :) Did those storage boxes come from Ikea too? My scrap space is now in the living room so I am trying to get a cleaner look on my Expedit
Well, I look at your blog often (I don't even remember where I followed a link from to be honest) but I did make it official by subscribing to be a follower.
Thanks for sharing your purges!!! :)
love your blog, celeste!
i've subscribed on my bloglines, so i'm not going to subscribe again, but it's always fun to pop over and check out what a fellow CT scrapper is up to!!! :)
I do not have a blog to sign up as a follower but I do follow yours regularly because I love that it is different from other scrappers out there!
I will be doing the same thing in a few months so Macy can have a bigger room!
I have a few of those boxes in my Expedit too and love them!
Good luck with the purge!
I so need to purge, too.
I seem to keep hoarding!!
You are so good about the purging! I am all talk and no action.
Anywho, I would love to stalk...err follow you and your blog! :)
You are only the coolest chick I know!
I just put my name among your followers. I like all the stuff you come up with.
My entire craft room is by IKEA, 10 minutes down the road from where we live. It's the perfect store for storage solutions.
I really need to reorganize and purge some items, too. But if I do, I'm afraid it will only make room for new stuff! Good luck on your project - I really wish I had your orgainizational skills!
I love your blog, and this is a great opportunity to let you know lol, thanks for the giveaway :)
I am looking at those shelves and thinking I may need to visit IKEA here in Australia!! The look great!!
WOW! I love your Ikea storage system, I will have to look into possibl getting one for myself!! Thats awesome that your downsizing for your son to have a new room! Thanks for the opportunity to get some new stuff! when you buy stuff for scrapbooking, I can totally relateto how much you can accumulate in a short perod of time :)
Taking the GOBI class at BPS and somehow got to your site to see your studio. Loved the boxes you used for the Ikea shelves. I already have the shelves and I may need to now go get the boxes! LOL :)
Thanks for sharing!! :) igned up for RAK as well just in case thought it might be fate that I ended up here! LOL :)
Thanks for sharing your purge ;-) I already follow your blog on my bloglines, but now I'm one of your official follower ;-)
I usually follow your blog with my google reader, but now I've just sign as follower too!
Your purge could be a great gift for me!
I love your work!
Did you prime and then use latex paint to paint the Expedit bookcase? I've had my eye on that bookcase for a couple of years...and we will *finally* be getting an IKEA...in 2113, that is! *lol*
Thank you for sharing your purging experience and for sharing your excess goodies with us, too!
This looks great Celeste - you are inspiring me to organize my office/scrap room!
Good for you! I cleaned out 7 garbage bags of clothing from my and 2 daughters closets this weekend!
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