Tuesday, April 22, 2008

how cute is this?

when i first saw this image, i immediately thought of the scenic route chipboard potty people and how cool it would be to make patterned paper clothes for them. then i read a little further and realized that this is a magnet to be used as a dirty/clean indicator on your dishwasher. how cute! you could totally use the chipboard and make one of your own.

btw, i think the naked one is the dirty one - like her clothes are in the wash? :) you guys crack me up!


~Amie~ said...

ok, I adore that little person!!

diana albright said...

lol... how cute! but i can't tell if dress on is dirty, or dress off. hehehe!

Sweet Peripety said...

ha! that is cute!

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh that is sooo cute! My daughter would have a field day with that magnet. So darling!

Nicole said...

How cut is that!

Janet O. said...

Which one is the naked one? Clean or dirty? I'm confuzzled! LOL!

*Paula* said...

what a hoot! I love it!

Patrice~ said...

since dh does loads the dishwasher, I believe he'll REALLY enjoy this cutie! hehe

Anonymous said...

Heehee...I love it! :)

Dark Ghost of the Night said...

Very nice Blog makes art activities very fun