the sweet side effect in all this is i get to go straight to adam - i get there 20-25 minutes faster. then we can actually talk in the car without a whining and crying three year old! it has been truly wonderful. he tells me about his day and we hang out together a bit before i start dinner. today i asked him to let me take a few photos - sometimes when i'm talking to him i can't get over how cute and smart he is. today was like that - he was talking about the masters (renoir, seurat, monet, michelangelo etc.) and i asked him if i could shoot some photos. so here he is - my big boy. :)

and yes he loves to be goofy - what kindergartener doesn't? i did manage to get him to smile a couple times!
blogger is awful for photos. here's a link to a better view of the montage...
Great photos! I just love them! What a cute personality.
aren't 3 year olds lovely? LOL sounds like you and Adam are being able to have some special time each day - what wonderful memories you are creating with him. Also -- SUCH CUTE photos!! loved all the different facial expressions you were able to capture :)
sorry to hear about the trouble with sam. fab fab fab pics of adam!!
I TOTALLY know how you feel. I went through the same thing with dd for awhile. Glad you're getting some special along time with Adam though!!
Hang in there girl. It's probably just a phase :)
Adam is too smart!!! and completely adorable!!!
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